World of Warcraft

Travel deep into the goblin city of Undermine and learn to D.R.I.V.E., join a cartel, adventure in two new delves, a new dungeon: Operation Floodgate,

Join Game Designer, Battleground and Arenas David Hollings, Assistant Lead Quest Designer Mark Kelada, and host Community Manager Bethany Hudson for WoWCast.

The RUIN community meets every Tuesday at 6PM Pacific Standard time on Discord to recognize outstanding members for promotion, discuss gaming news, events and scheduling for the upcoming week!

Join us for a preview of The Siren Isle, WoW’s newest zone coming in 11.0.7. Get a behind the scenes look at the island, activities, enemies, and rewards straight from the development team!

Season of Discovery Phase 5 allows players to venture into the Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub raid dungeons, collect new Tier 2 armor sets, and more— all waiting for you to discover. Your new adventures begin at 1:00 pm PDT globally.

Help defend Azeroth from the shadows below when World of Warcraft: The War Within™ launches on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT worldwide.

To achieve the most out of your Timerunning experince, RUIN has developed a thorough guide on how to maximize time spent in game.