World of Warcraft

Join a full panel of World of Warcraft developers in this deep dive as they take you into the Dragon Isles and share insights about the new lands to explore, the creatures you’ll meet, and take you deeper into the various systems and changes that will come with the expansion.

On April 19, the World of Warcraft development team will reveal the next expansion.  We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on and where your adventures in Azeroth will go next.

Zereth Mortis is the new zone arriving in Patch 9.2, Eternity’s End. As a new zone that serves as the hub for 9.2 with lots of new content, players can feel overwhelmed when going through it for the first time.

With the start of Shadowlands Season 3, players will have an opportunity to start collecting an all-new 5-piece Class Set, which will confer you wondrous bonuses based on your specialization when you equip two or four pieces of the set.

Step into a strange new land—Zereth Mortis—an otherworldly location that defies all concepts of reality or physics. Meet new allies, delve into a new and lyrical language, and engage in the campaign to push back against the Jailer and his malevolent will before he reaches his end goal.